
Sunday, February 26, 2012

How to survive as a Software Engineer? It's not all about CODING!

Being a software engineer for few years and also being involved in some other fields such as quality assurance and database administration, made me to think twice on "What are the essential qualities you need to develop to survive as a software engineer?".

These may be some of the SPECIFIC qualities you need in order to ENJOY your work, (in the sense) you can still keep on working as a software engineer and gain some income without having them.
Without boasting further about it, I will get in to the topic.

1.  Being Curious

2. Love Problems (This is hilarious though!)

3. Have faith that problems will not last forever, might as well call this "Optimism"

4. See problems and challenges as means of improving - as opposed to get "Suicidal feelings"

5. Celebrate "fixing a bug"

6. Hate 8 - 5

This is it up to this time. I'll keep on adding when ever I found some more. Add anything if missing. I will elaborate on each of the above later.

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