
Sunday, November 20, 2016

How to extract frames in a video using ffmpeg?

You can follow the steps given below to extract all frames of a video using ffmpeg tool. 

  • Download ffmpeg package for your OS

  • Unzip the folder and move to that particular folder 
      cd /Lion_Mountain_Lion_Mavericks_Yosemite_El-Captain_04.11.2016

  • Extract frames using the following command:

./ffmpeg -i [your input video file] -r [frame rate] [output file format]


For a video names test.mp4 with frame rate of 8fps,

./ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -r 8/1 output%03d.jpeg

All the frames will be saved to the same directory which the command is executed. 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

How to add a delay in SUMO GUI?

A delay in SUMO GUI is slow down in simulation between two simulation steps for a given number of milliseconds.

Follow the steps given below to introduce a delay in SUMO GUI at the time of launching the simulation environment.

Create a file for settings (E.g., file.settings.xml) and add the following content. Mention the preferred value for delay.

Give reference to settings file in SUMO configuration file. (E.g., file.sumocfg) as given below.

